IVS VLBI Operations Center
The IVS VLBI Operations Center Wettzell hosts the scheduling facility being jointly operated by the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation of the TU Vienna and the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry of the ETH Zürich.
On a regular basis the required schedule files of various VLBI session types are generated using an automated software process based on the VLBI VieSched++ scheduling software application. This software uses modern state of the art design principles including AI algorithms to achieve highest quality scheduling results. Schedules for officially assigned VLBI sessions (T2, OHG, INT2, INT3, INT9, AUA, CRD, CRF) are automatically computed and uploaded to the IVS schedule distribution servers. Schedules for non-IVS sessions like the GOW observing program and the VLBI activities of AuScope are also available. The VieSched++ automatic software also generates test schedules for different other IVS session types like R1, R4, or INT1 for demonstration and comparison only. These non-official schedules are available here.
The VieSchedpp software is open source and available at Github.